Transition Forum 2024


Matthieu Delabie

Office Français de la Biodiversité

Coordonnateur Thématiques "Finance, Instruments Économiques"


Matthieu Delabie is Thematic Coordinator, Biodiversity Finance and Economic Instruments within the Department of Support for Biodiversity Strategies of the French Biodiversity Office. He intervenes on all biodiversity subjects which are addressed to Finance actors, and contributes to reflections on the relationship between Economy and Biodiversity through various themes (Standardization, Certification, Environmental accounting, Modeling of the taking into account of Biodiversity in strategic thinking and decision-making processes). His professional career in France and abroad has led him to get involved in numerous fields and numerous structures. Initially, in the professions of Finance (Audit, Consolidation, prospective analyses), information systems (SAP), and Taxation (Price Transfer Policy; Tax Optimization) within different companies (E&Y; Petrochemicals Scott Bader Limited, British Petroleum), Then in land use planning, management of natural spaces and tourist activity within a local community, the Syndicat Mixte d'Aménagement de la Côte Picarde, the Baie de Somme Nature Reserve and its showcase site for the reception of the public the Parc du Marquenterre. He then spent 11 years at the Conservatoire du Littoral as Regional Delegate in Hauts de France and Occitanie. Working with elected officials, users of natural sites, large communities and decentralized State services and its operators; he pilots the deployment of the land and management strategy of the Conservatoire du Littoral, leads negotiations for the acquisition of large estates and obtaining management means for the spaces, thus protected. To finally join the OFB in 2019 and strengthen the General Management Delegated to Mobilization of society in order to support companies and innovation players initially, then more recently Finance players for better integration biodiversity in their processes and strategies. Teaching and research A practitioner of so-called “complex” negotiation (multi-actor, issues, spatial and temporal scales), he completed his initial training with a certificate of Advanced Study in Environmental Strategy within AgroParisTech. Since then, he has spoken every year to students of the Master of Specialization in Public Policy and Environmental Strategy at AgroParisTech, as well as to students at Science Po Rennes. For 3 years he was involved in the research program “Human enterprises: Ecology and accounting philosophies” at the Collège des Bernardins, at the same time he closely followed the work of the AgroParisTech Chair of Environmental Accounting. His “atypical” career path has been the occasion for numerous awareness-raising events which today lead him to work towards the implementation of a positive and constructive dialogue between businesses, communities, public and private finance stakeholders in order to accelerate the consideration of Biodiversity issues.