Transition Forum 2024


Emmanuel FLAHAUT


Fondateur et président


Rétrofleet is a technological and industrial SME whose mission is to offer low-carbon mobility at competitive costs. Three main sectors are targeted: - 3.5T van and pickup vehicles, - Heavy-duty trucks - Industrial machinery. The company develops and produces its own critical components, such as the battery system and digital solutions. The recharging dimension is also integrated through the MONA Energy subsidiary, which develops and markets complete, high-service electric recharging solutions tailored to the needs of professionals. In July 2022, Crédit Agricole and the INNOVACOM fund acquired a stake in the company, accelerating its industrial transformation. Latest news: a major French (and European) first for Retrofleet with the IVECO Crossway coach, the 1st retrofitted coach to be authorized to carry passengers on board (all other retrofitted coaches to date are only prototypes which cannot legally carry passengers). As a reminder, retrofitting means keeping an existing coach but modifying its combustion engine with an electric one (so there's a double environmental gain!). In the truck range, RETROFLEET will be rolling out its truck conversion system on 12- to 19-tonne rigids with a focus on urban and regional logistics, so that its customers can benefit from the logistics of its expertise in retrofitting heavy vehicles.