Transition Forum 2024


Philippe Bourguignon


architecte de la navette ECOTRAIN


Philippe Bourguignon has been working as an independent consultant since June 1, 2018, the date he took leave from the ENGIE group. Its key area of ​​expertise: territorial development strategies linked to rail mobility, telecommunications, electrical power systems and business models based on the development of digital technologies (multi-sided platforms, Artificial Intelligence ...). Philippe Bourguignon is an engineer who graduated from ENSTIMA in 1981 (TPE-mines corps). He has worked in energy (EDF-GDF) since 1985, successively in charge of network studies, marketing and sales of electricity and gas for the French territory. In 2003, he was appointed director for EDF-GDF services in the Burgundy region, then CEO of GDFSUEZ in Hungary, in charge of the local merger between Electrabel and Gaz de France. In 2011, he joined the Research Department as director of a knowledge modeling project (a component of artificial intelligence), with the aim of developing disruptive business models for ENGIE. Externally, this research work is the subject of publications and standardization at the W3C (SAREF-SEAS ontologies). He was a member of the scientific council of the Institut Mines Télécom between 2016 and 2022 and a member of the National Agency for Technological Research from 2018 to 2020. He has been developing the ECOTRAIN project since 2018 and was therefore a winner of the AMI DDTF in February 2022. This is a project to develop an autonomous rail shuttle for rural areas, a project supported industrially by the Consortium SOCOFER, STRATIFORME, CLEARSY, SYNTONY, IMT.