Transition Forum 2024


Harold Levrel


Professeur et chercheur


Harold Levrel has been a professor of ecological economics at AgroParisTech and at the University of Paris-Saclay since 2014. He is a researcher at the International Center for Research on Environment and Development (CIRED). Between 2008 and 2014 he was a research fellow at IFREMER, within UMR AMURE. He has been a visiting scholar at Duke University and the University of San Diego. His work focuses on the conditions for implementing an ecological transition of the economy based on living things and biodiversity conservation policies. They are part of a very interdisciplinary perspective and are marked by operational concerns. In his work, he addresses the themes of the co-evolution of living and socio-technical systems, ecological compensation and the compromises it represents around the conservation of biodiversity, accounting for ecological debt, institutional changes relating to interactions between economy and biodiversity. His latest work, co-written with Antoine Missemer, is entitled The Economy Faces Nature - From Predation to Coevolution.