Transition Forum 2024


Lionel Le Maux

Fondateur du Transition Forum

Président-directeur général de Transition Evergreen


Lionel Le Maux began his career in 1996 within the ODDO group where he managed French and European mid-cap equity funds. He then co-founded the management company Flinvest and managed Entrepreneurs, a fund invested in European mid-caps. He then moved to the unlisted sector and co-founded the company Evergaz, which has become one of the leaders in the biogas industry in Europe. In 2017, Lionel Le Maux launched Aqua Asset Management, an independent management company focused 100% on the ecological transition. Aqua Asset Management manages Transition Evergreen, the first investment fund listed in France dedicated to the ecological transition and the reduction of the carbon footprint. Lionel Le Maux is an entrepreneur-investor who has more than 25 years of experience in listed and unlisted investment, in France and Europe. Convinced for more than 15 years of the need to act in favor of the ecological transition, he has developed recognized expertise in the world of the environment and sustainable finance.

Ses sessions

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